Pandoc Guide


Mason Gelletly

Lucy Paul

Shayne Biagi

Ashlyn East

Theodore Gunn


March 3, 2022

Student Guide to Pandoc

This is a detailed, topic-based guide to Pandoc aimed at students in Creating User Documentation (ENGL3814) at Virginia Tech.

Installing Pandoc

This task includes instructions on how to download and install Pandoc on your computer. There are two sections. One is for Windows users the other is for macOS users. There are also optional steps in each section to install a LaTeX program. Installing a LaTeX program is highly recommended, as Pandoc creates PDFs using LaTeX. The LaTeX program we will be installing is MiKTeX.


This task includes instructions on how to download and install Pandoc for Windows users. There are also optional instructions for installing MiKTeX.


  • Computer
  • Windows Operating System
  • Internet Access

Steps to Install Pandoc

  1. Go to this webpage.

    Note: The webpage should look like this.

    Pandoc Github Page
  2. Download the pandoc-X.XX.X.X-windows-x86.msi file by clicking on the file name. This is the installer file.

    Note: X.XX.X.X refers to the version number. It is in the image above.

  3. Run the installer by double-clicking on the downloaded file.

    Note: A new window should pop up. This is what it should look like.

    Windows Pandoc Installer
  4. Press Next to continue.

  5. Follow the directions given by the Setup Wizard to complete your installation.

    Note: This program automatically installs Pandoc for you.

  6. Lastly, to check if Pandoc was installed, type “pandoc -v” in your terminal. If Pandoc was installed correctly, you should see that the next line in the terminal is: “pandoc.exe X.XX.X.X” where the X’s represent the version number. If an error occurs, return to step 1 and try again. > Note: You can access the Windows PowerShell terminal with Windows key + X. Select Windows PowerShell from the menu that pops up. (See image below for reference).

    Windows Option Menu


This task includes instructions on how to download and install Pandoc for macOS users. There are also optional instructions for installing MiKTeX.


  • Computer
  • macOS Operating System
  • Internet Access

Steps to Install Pandoc

  1. Go to this webpage.

    Note: The webpage should look like this.

    Pandoc Github Page
  2. Download the pandoc-X.XX.X.X-macOS.pkg file by clicking on the file name. This is the installer file.

    Note: X.XX.X.X refers to the version number. It is in the image above.

  3. Run the installer by double-clicking on the downloaded file.

    Note: A new window should pop up. This is what it should look like.

    macOS Pandoc Installer
  4. Press Continue to continue.

  5. Follow the directions given by the Installer to complete your installation.

    Note: This program automatically installs Pandoc for you.

  6. Lastly, to check if Pandoc was installed, type “pandoc -v” in your terminal. If Pandoc was installed correctly, you should see that the next line in the terminal is: “pandoc.exe X.XX.X.X” where the X’s represent the version number. If an error occurs, return to step 1 and try again.

    Note: You can access the terminal on a Mac by opening the Launchpad, typing Terminal in the search field, and clicking Terminal.

Setting Up a Writing and Publishing Environment

To easily convert files we’ll be using a writing and publishing environment. Visual Studio Code is a popular coding editor and we’ll be using it with Pandoc to convert files. These steps will walk you through downloading, installing, and setting up Visual Studio Code.


  • Computer running either Windows or Mac


  1. Go to the Visual Studio Code website.

  2. Download Visual Studio code for your machine.

    VSCode Webpage
  3. Install the package.

  4. Open the program.

  5. Navigate to the extensions tab on the left of the screen.

    Extensions tab
  6. Install any useful extensions you might need.

    Note helpful extensions for markdown are markdownlint and Markdown All in One.

  7. Customize with themes (Optional).

  8. Open the folder your files will be in or create a new folder.

  9. Add a new markdown file.

  10. Add content.

What is Pandoc?

When writing documents for different occasions, it is often necessary to know how to convert a document from one form to another. While some professors may require PDF files, others may require Markdown files. So, with the help of Pandoc converting documents becomes a simple task.

Pandoc is a tool that can be installed on your computer to convert files from one format to another. Pandoc works with formats such as HTML, ebooks, documentation formats, bibliography formats and many more.

One example of how students have used Pandoc in the past was for a project. This project required converting a Microsoft Word file (.docx) to a Markdown file (.md). After downloading and checking for installation, by typing the correct conversion code into the computer terminal, Pandoc converted the students’ files from Microsoft Word to Markdown.

Some benefits of Pandoc include:

  • It can convert formats from and to a a variety of different formats
  • Its ability to convert citations into a properly formatted citation
  • The option to customize using a template system and writing filters
  • Works with slide show formats as well as text and data formats

How to write in Markdown

This is a general tutorial for writing in Markdown syntax. It will detail the use of basic Markdown syntax elements. Additionally, since Pandoc understands an extended version of Markdown syntax, some useful extensions of traditional Markdown syntax will be sectioned at the end for use with Pandoc.


Headings are created by beginning a line with hashtags (#). The heading name must be separated from the hashtags by a blank space. The number of hashtags represents the level of the heading. For instance, a level one heading would be written as “# Level 1 Heading”.

Heading Level Markdown Syntax
Level 1 # Level 1 Heading
Level 2 ## Level 2 Heading
Level 3 ### Level 3 Heading
Level 4 #### Level 4 Heading
Level 5 ##### Level 5 Heading
Level 6 ###### Level 6 Heading

The table above illustrates syntax for various level headings. Note that markdown only supports six levels of headings.


Paragraphs can be created by using a blank line to separate blocks of text.

For instance, these two paragraphs have been separated by a blank space and thus will be rendered as such.

Note: If you must indent a paragraph use “    ”. This bit of text will add 4 empty spaces.

     This sentence has been indented using this technique.

Line Breaks

Line breaks can be used by adding two or more blank spaces at the end of a line and then pressing return.
This line has been separated with a line break.

Bold and Italic Emphasis

To bold text, surround it with two asterisks. To italicize text, surround it with one asterisk. To both bold and italicize a piece of text, surround it with three asterisks.

Markdown Syntax Output
*This* is italicized. This is italicized.
**This** is in bold. This is in bold.
***This*** is in bold and italicized. This is in bold and italicized.

The table above illustrates various ways to emphasize text.

Block Quotes

To create block quotes, begin paragraph with >.

For example, in markdown
> This is a block quote.

For a block quotes with blank line, begin the blank line with >. Also, block quotes can be nested by adding >> in front of the nested quote. See the example below.

> This is a block quote
> with a blank line
>> and a nested quote.


Both unordered lists and ordered lists can be created in Markdown. Lists can also be indented to create nested lists.

Ordered Lists

In Markdown, to create an ordered list, you must begin each list element with a number and a period. The numbering must begin with number one, but the order following number one does not matter.

An ordered list in Markdown syntax is as follows:

1. One
2. Two
3. Three


1. One
1. Two
1. Three


1. One
75. Two
35. Three

When rendered, the lists all look like this:

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

Unordered Lists

Unordered lists can be created by adding dashes (-), asterisks (*), or plus signs (+) before each list element.

An unordered list in Markdown syntax is as follows:

- One
- Two
- Three


* One
* Two
* Three


+ One
+ Two
+ Three

When rendered, the lists all look like this:

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

Here is an example of a nested list.

Markdown Syntax:

1. One
2. Two
    - Indented One
    - Indented Two
3. Three


  1. One
  2. Two
    • Indented One
    • Indented Two
  3. Three

Code and Escaping Syntax

To escape any Markdown rendering for bits of code, surround your text with backticks (`).

For example: *This* will not be in italics since I surrounded it with backticks.

You can also use backslash (\) to escape other characters as:

  • backslash \

  • backtick `

  • asterisk *

  • underscore _

  • curly braces { }

  • brackets [ ]

  • angle brackets < >

  • parentheses ( )

  • hashtag #

  • plus sign +

  • dash -

  • period .

  • exclamation mark !

  • pipe |

Markdown Syntax: \# Without a backslash, this would be a heading.

Output: # Without a backslash, this would be a heading.

Horizontal Rule

In order to insert a horizontal rule in Markdown, you must use three or more asterisks, dashes, or underscores on a line, like so:


A horizontal rule is below this.


For images, you can add an exclamation mark (!), followed by image alt text enclosed by brackets, and then followed by the image file path or URL enclosed by parentheses. You can also add a title to the image with quotations marks besides your path or URL. See below for an example.

Markdown Syntax:

![Markdown Logo](/media/markdown.jpg "Markdown")

Output: Markdown Logo

Finally, you can link images to a URL by adding the link address enclosed by parentheses immediately following the image. You must also surround the image code with brackets. See the following example.

Markdown Syntax:

[![Markdown Logo](/media/markdown.jpg "Markdown")](

Output: Markdown Logo


You can strikethrough text by surrounding the text with two tildes.

For example: ~~This~~ is using strikethrough.

Output: This is using strikethrough.


To create a table, use three or more hyphens to create the column headers, and use pipes to create each column. See below for an example.

Markdown Syntax:
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| -------- | -------- |
| Element1 | Element2 |
| Element3 | Element4 |


Header 1 Header 2
Element1 Element2
Element3 Element4

Pandoc Extended Syntax

Pandoc understands an extended version of Markdown, so here are some useful extensions of the syntax which will work with Pandoc.

Setext-style Headings

You can create headings in setext-style by following a heading with a line of equal signs (for level 1 headings) or dashes (for level 2 headings).

For example:

This is a level 1 heading

This is a level 2 heading

Definition Lists

Pandoc allows for definition lists with the following syntax.

Term 1

:   Definition 1

Term 2

:   Definition 2

    Second paragraph of definition 2.

Multiline Tables

Pandoc also supports multiline tables. Table rows may span multiple lines of text. See below for an example on how you may format one.

 Centered   Default           Right Left
  Header    Aligned         Aligned Aligned
----------- ------- --------------- -------------------------
First       row                12.0 Example of a row that
                                    spans multiple lines.

Second      row                5.0 Here's another one. Note
                                    the blank line between

Table: Here's the caption. It, too, may span
multiple lines.

Grid Tables

Grid Tables can also be created with Pandoc. A row of equal signs must separate the headers, and plus signs must indicate corners of cells. See below for an example.

: Sample grid table.

| Fruit         | Price         | Advantages         |
| Bananas       | $1.34         | - built-in wrapper |
|               |               | - bright color     |
| Oranges       | $2.10         | - cures scurvy     |
|               |               | - tasty            |

Cell elements may contain multiple paragraphs, code blocks, lists, etc. However, cannot span multiple columns or rows.

Superscripts and Subscripts

Superscripts can be created by surrounding the superscript with carets (^). Subscripts can be creating by surounding the subscript with tildes (~).

For example: H~2~O is a liquid. 2^10^ is 1024.

TeX Math

Any text surrounded by two dollar signs ($) will be treated as TeX math. The output will depend on the output format. There must not be a whitespace after the first dollar sign or before the second one.

Example: $2+2=4$

For example, in Docx format, the text will be rendered using OMML math markup.

More Resources

For more information about Markdown syntax, a good resource is the official Markdown Guide.

For more information about Pandoc’s extended syntax, a good resource is the official Pandoc Manual.

How to Publish to EPUB, HTML, Word, and PDF

This section is a comprehensive guide on how to convert Markdown files to EPUB, HTML, Word, and PDF files. At the end of this process you will have the knowledge necessary to effortlessly make this conversion in the future.


The following are assumed to have been installed/obtained before beginning the guide

  • Pandoc
  • Markdown File


  1. Open your File Explorer and locate the Markdown file that you would like to convert. Your screen should look similar to the image below (where the “convertMe” file is YOUR file).

    File Explorer
  2. Click on the Path of your current directory in your file explorer. This can be located directly above the files shown, and is shown highlighted in the image below.

    Highlighted Path
  3. Type cmd over your highlighted path. Once it is highlighted from the previous step, all you must do is begin typing. Once this is complete, your screen should look similar to the image below.

    cmd Path
  4. Press enter. This will open the command prompt at the directory that you were in during the File Explorer session. Once this is complete, your screen should look similar to the image below.

    cmd Opened
  5. Type the appropriate command into the command prompt. The generalized formula for your command is the following

    pandoc -s -o YOUROUTPUT.FILETYPE

    The should be renamed based upon the name of the Markdown file you are attempting to convert. In our examples below, this file is named “convertMe”.

    The YOUROUTPUT.FILETYPE should be renamed based upon the desired name of your output file and the type of file you are converting to. In our examples below, the file is named “convertedFile” and is being converted to Word.

    For EPUB

    pandoc -s -o convertedFile.epub

    For HTML

    pandoc -s -o convertedFile.html

    For Word

    pandoc -s -o convertedFile.docx

    For PDF must have pdfLatex installed

    pandoc -s -o convertedFile.pdf

    Once this is complete, your screen’s command should look similar to the image below.

    cmd Commands
  6. Press enter. This will make Pandoc execute the command. The output file will now be present in the folder of your original Markdown file.

    If you are receiving an error upon hitting enter you have made some small mistake in the previous steps. Carefully retrace your steps and be certain you are typing everything exactly as expected into the command prompt.

    Once this is complete, your screen should look similar to the image below.

    File Created


You have successfully converted your file.